Ahoy Liveneers,

Keith the Intern here. Now "Assistant to the Assistant Copy Writer". Welcome to your Liven July update! It's been hella a month for us, and I cannot wait to give you guys a run down of what we've been up to.

Suggest a Care Package restaurant 🎉

You can now suggest a restaurant that isn’t yet on Liven (I use the term Muggle), select an amount you would want to spend on a Care Package if they came on board.

We will then get in touch and try to bring them on board! You can find this when your search results come back empty, or on the home screen.

Suggest a restaurant now!

Care Packages now available at all Liven venues 🥳

We’ve seen huge success so far with our Care Packages. Having provided meaningful support to our partners, we have decided to open it up to the hospitality industry at large! Care Packages are now available for purchase at ALL Liven venues. 😱

Won’t blame you if your heart just dropped. Mine did too. Check them out now!

What's cooking up in the Liven Kitchen? 👀

Bringing out my inner Marty McFly, I present to you with a feature coming in the near future. Gifting Care Packages! 🎁

Ever bought a Liven Care Package, and thought - jeez, how am I going to drink 60 bobas? 🙄 I’m not gonna lie and say that I couldn’t finish 60 myself, but I am thankful that soon I will be able to send part of my Care Package to a mate.

Whether it’s because you owe someone a favour, or because you are feeling kind, Liven will soon let you send your Care Packages to a friend.

Wanna win $20 LVN?

Email me keith@liven.com.au with what you think we should call the Care Package Gifting feature! Top 5 best answers will get a $20 LVN snack from us.